Captions and Options Captions and Options Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Rearranging Clips Rearranging Clips Resizing Timeline Timeline

What is the Source Timeline and How do I Use it?

☕️ TL;DR – The Source Timeline allows you to view the currently selected Clip in the context of its Source Media.

Cropping Resizing & Reframing Cropping Resizing & Reframing Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Resizing

What is Motion KeyFraming in Kamua and how do I use it?

☕️ TL;DR – Motion KeyFraming allows you to set the position and size of the Crop Box at specific points in your video, giving you full creative control. This enables you to create panning and/or zooming effects with precision and accuracy.

Captions and Options Captions and Options Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Rearranging Clips Rearranging Clips Resizing Timeline Timeline

How do I Add Automated Captions to a video and edit them in Kamua?

☕️ TL;DR – If your video contains people speaking, you can display the dialogue on the screen by activating Kamua’s Automatic Captions feature and you can manually edit or create a Transcript.

Captions and Options Captions and Options Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Rearranging Clips Rearranging Clips Resizing Timeline Timeline

How To Split Your Clips in your Timeline

☕️ TL;DR – You can Split Clips from the Timeline using the scissor button on the Playhead or pressing “C” on your keyboard.

Cropping Resizing & Reframing Cropping Resizing & Reframing Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Resizing

What does the Fit Video feature do?

☕️ TL;DR – Fit Video allows you to fit your entire video frame within the Crop Box.

Rearranging and Editing Your Footage Resizing Settings Settings

What are Clip Settings?

☕️ TL;DR – Clip Settings allow you to make changes directly to your current Clips without affecting the Project Settings.

Choosing and Organizing your Footage Cutting and Managing Shots

What Are Shots and Clips in Kamua and Why Differentiate?

☕️ TL;DR – A Shot is automatically cut from Source video and doesn’t get altered or deleted in the Project. A Shot becomes a Clip when it is added to the Timeline. Clips can be trimmed, copied, and altered without changing the original Shot.